Waiting Child Photolisting
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Holt’s waiting child photolisting gives you the opportunity to learn about children waiting for the love and permanency of a family.
Most of the children Holt helps to unite with families never appear on the photolisting. The waiting child photolisting helps us find families for children who are older in age, part of a sibling group or who have special medical, physical, developmental or emotional needs. Children typically appear on the photolisting when we need additional help finding a family that is uniquely prepared to meet their needs. Holt’s photolisting features some — but not all — of the children who currently need adoptive families (many children referred to Holt never appear on a photolisting as they are matched too quickly with families). Call 541-687-2202 to talk with a Holt adoption advisor about our adoption programs.
Enter your email below to learn about children waiting for a loving, permanent family.
We ask for your email to send you a password as an extra security precaution to protect the privacy and safety of the children featured on the photolisting. We will not share your information, and you may opt out of emails from us at any time.
Holt Photolisting Confidentiality, Terms and Conditions: Upon entering this page, I agree to keep confidential the information, photographs and videos of any child pictured on this website. I agree to not publicly post information about these children and understand that sharing child information without the written consent of Holt’s program staff is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. I understand that Holt International may use its discretion to discontinue a relationship with me resulting in, but not limited to, revoking my access to Holt photolistings.
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